What do skyscrapers and cloud formations have in common? Quite simply: what you make of them by yourself. And the ASPHALTWELTEN app opens up just that in lots of playful challenges: new urban worlds in a very private and interactive focus.
Fountains become your stage, walkways your playground and parks turn into your individual creative laboratory.
With your smartphone and the ASPHALTWELTEN app, you can discover how much playground there is in your surroundings and how much creativity you have inside of yourself. Experience how your view of your city changes when you spend time in and with it intensively and without distraction. Let yourself be challenged again and again. Every day.
Come out and play. The city is yours.

How the app works
The ASPHALTWELTEN app invites you once a day to a small challenge in public space. By using video, photo, text or speech, you are called to complete a task and document it with one of the tools offered within the app. You don’t need any previous knowledge or skills for this. A smartphone, a lot of curiosity and a little creativity are all you need.
Artistic direction & Content / Concept: Cindy Hammer & Susan Schubert
Programming / Technical development: Ralf Michael
Art Work / Design: Stephan Tautz, Dominik Glöß, Stefanie Niechciol
Project management: Marita Matzk, Conrad Schneider
Distribution / Acquisition: Dirk Förster
Legal advice: Spirit Legal
PR: Thomas Natzschka
Social Media: Lea Schweinfurth
PR: Thomas Natzschka
Social Media: Lea Schweinfurth
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The ASPHALTWELTEN app is online in the Google Play Store and the Mac App Store since July 5, 2023. Do you have any questions or suggestions for improvement? Then feel free to send them to us at app@goplasticcompany.de. You don’t want to miss any further information? Then just sign up for our mail list and you will get all news about the app and our other projects directly in your inbox.
Funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, tanz:digital assistance programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.
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