keep the space liquid
dirty but concrete
until the dark side of the moon
I feel, the nostalgia for the future
everything around me became suddenly
5… 4…3…
down from the clouds next to the cosmic forest
I’m here
the future is not my friend
The production clean me deals with SCIENCE FICTION as the third work of the go plastic company in artistic exploration of different film genres.
A fictional scenario. The crew washes itself clean.
On board: heroes, anti-heroes, nerds, saviors and amazons.
Have a safe trip!
“… They are heroes and heroines, according to the program, but at the same time they are losers or Amazons who do not win. Sometimes the dance takes on almost autistic traits, they don’t even need the computer as an object anymore, these ‘nerds’, those beings addicted to information and hacker technology, these not at all unsympathetic freaks, they have the screen in front of their eyes, the keyboard in their heads and the wiping technique determines their emotional life. Because this can be perceived again and again in dancing moments. There they are, moments of rapprochement, relics of protesting and resistant rap, quotations of breakdance made docile by protest on the streets in the sacred halls of dance theaters, or with elements of moonwalking memories of the child in a man named Jackson, who wanted to escape the future by virtue of surgical arts. And then these danced fictions come closer and closer to us, these cosmic worlds have been spinning for a long time and we spin along with them and are just about to go crazy. There are no fictions that do not have their origins in history and the present.
And just as Cindy Hammer knows how to use the vast space of the Festspielhaus with her choreographic creations with amazing skill and artistry, she is also able to let her figures of the future act in almost chamber-play-like moments as lonely people, to whom we gladly give our sympathies. In the sometimes overflowing monologues, however, it is above all the cues that set one’s own imagination and one’s own journeys into the dreamed or feared future in motion, just as there is a great air of freedom hovering over this production by the go plastic company. In this freedom there is then also room for absurdities like that of the exalted woman and her power over the distribution of the purifying mineral water. Or that woman who, at the end, lies down in the refrigerator compartment in order to set off on her journey into the vestibule of nothingness with the provisions of fresh, cracked eggs, which would then, after all, be an expression of hope in a deeper sense, because of the eggs as a symbol of life, provided they are not fried. With a wink, of course, otherwise it would not be a piece by Cindy Hammer…”
Boris M. Gruhl 6.11.2016, Tanznetz
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“…. clean me is a dystopian science fiction work by the German go plastic company, who set their work and research in a transhuman world reminiscent of the humanoids in Blade Runner. Founded in 2010 in the form of a collective, the company formed within the independent scene of Dresden, since 2012 is co-directed by Cindy Hammer and Susan Schubert, already having to their credit numerous productions, short films and performances. Since spring 2016 go plastic is Associate Artist in HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden.
The work imagines precisely an icy society in which man has probably started his process of mechanization, hybridizing with the machine. What we have in front of us is in many ways a cold anguish, also ironic, of a humanity already passed into the beyond of the inhuman. Syncopated movements, robots not yet perfect in imitating man. Human warmth is missing. Nothing inexplicable for science fiction thinkers, with an icy coldness suffused over the whole creation that creates coherence, together with some good scenic ideas, of clear post punk inspiration. Still missing, perhaps, the measure to the team, which could close in a form of greater synthesis the creation, but it is undeniable that both in the overall idea and in the individual choreography, it turns out to be a powerful idea of reflection on the values and disvalues with which humanity is leading to self-destruction….”
PAC Magazin, October 2018
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A production of the go plastic company in co-production with HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden. Supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and the Office for Culture and Monument Protection Dresden. With the kind support of TENZA schmiede Dresden, STALKER TEATRO residency program Turin / Italy, Northern Dance Centre Skipton /UK, GrooveStation Dresden and TanzNetzDresden.