mind the rage
anger • noun, feminine
violent, uncontrolled outburst of emotion caused by anger or similar, which manifests itself in facial expression, words and actions

Based on their comprehensive, thematic research, the collective creates an artistic framework that is filled with biographical anecdotes, associative circumambulations and personal reflections.
Tipping points, loops, consternation, valves, expectations, transformation and a constant search for translations – in material, in systems, in strategies – characterize go plastic’s artistic treatment of this complex and present theme. Interior spaces are illuminated, traces are collected and the many spectra of this state are differentiated.
The collective treads a fine line and encounters rage almost everywhere.
In search of highlights and liberation in all its concentration.
What does anger take with it, what does it leave behind?

Zuschreibung und Zuspitzung
Ausbruch, Aufbruch und Abbruch,
Antreiben und Aufreiben
Aktivierung und Ohnmacht
Verdrängung und Verzerrung
Widerstehen, Wiederholen und Resignieren
Unterdrücken und Überkochen
Implodieren und Explosion
Vereinzelung und Gemeinsamkeit.
Zeitlichkeit in kurzer Raserei vs. lang anhaltendem Groll
Bewegt sich das Kollektiv auf schmalen Graden und begegnet der WUT fast überall.
Auf der Suche nach Glanzpunkten und Befreiung in all ihrer Geballtheit.
Was nimmt die Wut mit, was lässt sie da?

The go plastic company is attempting to identify the positive power of anger, translate it into usability and provide a space for different approaches. Questions were discussed, voices heard, experiments started, perspectives opened up and new levels opened up with anger experts from different areas of life and work.
From the outside in, between negative representation and positive selling, between being carried away and painful self-awareness, between exuberant energy and unrestrained silence; go plastic invites discussion and participation and takes the audience on a round trip through the realms of anger.
It starts with a fist exercise for everyone. A fist exercise in several stages. First, a fist is clenched on the spot where it hangs, your own hand. The hand that immediately stops hanging as soon as it becomes a fist. A fist can’t hang, can it?
In the first few minutes of mind the rage, performers guide visitors through a fluid exhibition space in which artworks conjured up by means of language and movement alternate with real objects and video works. In fast-forward, visitors move through a cultural history of rage. Among others, Jackson Pollock, Beyoncé and a depiction of God’s righteous anger are quoted. Objects made of velvet that can be touched on the floor, white rags hanging from the ceiling, works with titles such as: auf die Palme gebracht. In this way, traces of association and thought are laid. The music begins. The cry of a seagull floats through the room.
In this piece, go plastic explores the different qualities of anger, explores anger as a motivating force for change and raises questions such as: What does it do to one’s own receptiveness to information when this information is presented with a clear emotion? Experienced sentences are remembered: Your arguments may be convincing, but if you present them so emotionally, you lose all credibility. It is also remembered: I did not contradict you. Why?
A performer climbs a ladder made of fluorescent tubes, yet she remains at the edge of the carpet, no golden playground. She can’t stay on the carpet she’s not on.
Ulrike Feibig, writer, summer 2023



World premiere:
Further shows:
HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts // Dresden • November 2022
HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts // Dresden • January 2024
Further Performances:
Preview Performance at WUK Theaterquartier // Halle (Saale) • Oktober 2022
E-Werk Freiburg // Freiburg // in cooperation with tanznetzfreiburg • June 2023

„…Anger in bodies
go plastic company show “mind the rage” as a performative installation on rage at Lofft in Leipzig.
Emotional upheavals that materialize in the bodies: Risk of infection!… this dance evening is not a dance evening, but a performative installation, and the dance miniatures that follow later, performed by Inês Carijo, Cindy Hammer, Suzette Sagisi and Esther Schachenmayr in the various rooms of the Lofft, also see themselves as exhibits. The audience thus witnesses various states of dance excitement and remains in constant motion until the finale, following the individual dance scenes inside and outside. However, whether these address anger precisely remains rather vague, as does the point of anger as a political strategy, which is touched on scenically but not explored in depth. Ultimately, it is primarily emotional upheavals that materialize in the bodies, but the specific anger factor is only conveyed in this otherwise extraordinarily successful performance if this is exactly what you are expecting…“
Torben Ibs, 06.11.2022 tanznetz.de
Complete article (only available in German)


go plastic company
Performance with and by:
Alexandra Börner, Inês Carijo, Nicki Fehr, Cindy Hammer, Suzette Sagisi,
Esther Schachenmayr, Benjamin Schindler, Susan Schubert
Text / authors:
Inês Carijo, Cindy Hammer, Suzette Sagisi, Esther Schachenmayr,
Benjamin Schindler, Susan Schubert
Music / sounds / composition:
Nicolaus Fehr, go plastic company
Material / costumes / stage:
Alexandra Börner, go plastic company
Toi Toys:
Alexandra Börner
Video / artistic documentation:
Benjamin Schindler, go plastic company
Sinnica Klatt
Technical Direction / light design:
Benjamin Henrichs, go plastic company
Production management:
Michaela Jarosch, go plastic company
Stephan Tautz, go plastic company
Josefine Schulz, go plastic company
Public Relations:
Thomas Natzschka
Arias Joker, Gwen Kyrg, Rosalie Wanka, Patricia Carolin Mai, Ophelia Young,
Joseph Hernandez, Johanna Lauckner, Steph Quinci, Saskia Horton
Inês Carijo, Nicki Fehr, Suzette Sagisi, Esther Schachenmayr, Gwen Kyrg,
Stephanie Hauser, Michael Roth, Arias Joker, Patricia Carolin May, Katja Grohmann, Ophelia Young, Joseph Hernandez, Johanna Lauckner
Outside Eye:
Johanna Lauckner, Joseph Hernandez, Nora Otte
Thanks to:
Saale Bulls Halle

A production of go plastic company in co-production with TANZ_TAUSCH_NETZWERK, LOFFT – DAS THEATER, HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts and WUK – Theaterquartier Halle (Saale). Supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR. Dance Aid Program. Funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament. With the kind support of TANZ_TAUSCH_RESIDENZ, TanzNetzDresden and TENZA.