>> Asphaltwelten by go plastic
The third and final part of the go plastic company’s project “Asphalt Worlds” deals with the themes of “Shelter & Life on the Street”. This last part deals with the artistic thesis of a utopia: a group that renounces stability and security: a life without walls, without insurance, without rootedness. Being at home in the body, not in buildings. Independent of origin, orientation and opinion. A throwing together of biographies on public but “neutral” ground. How do we feel and shape our own “artistic shelter”? How far does it extend; does it include only me or others as well? How can I carry it, support it, take it with me and share it?
>> Asphaltwelten Part 3
In this final work, the collective will process and reflect on the discourses on the themes of shelter, living and creating on the street, bodies in public space and their perception(s) that have emerged and been conducted over the entire project period (2020-2021). The aim is to create a participatory tableau that unifies and illustrates the collected theses, conclusions and findings in all their complexity, diversity and contradictions.

15 & 16 July – HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts Dresden
Artistic Research / Performance:
Douglas Bateman, Caroline Beach, Joseph Hernandez, Cat Jimenez, Christian Novopavlovski, Steph Quinci, Esther Schachenmayr, Rika Yotsumoto
Artistic research and artistic direction:
Cindy Hammer, Susan Schubert
Material / Set / Costume:
Alexandra Börner
Video / Artistic documentary:
Benjamin Schindler, Hans Bauer
Technical direction:
Benjamin Henrichs
Production / Management:
Michaela Jarosch
Art Work / Web:
Stephan Tautz, Dominik Glöß, Lea Schweinfurth
Dirk Förster
Network / Consulting:
Frauke Wetzel
A production of the go plastic company in co-production with TANZPAKT Dresden and in cooperation with HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts. Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Support Programme Dance. Funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the members of the Saxon State Parliament. Funded by the Dresden Office for Culture and Monument Protection.
With the kind support of TENZA and TanzNetzDresden e.V.
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